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Enter the details of the token you will create and make your payment.

In Token's Wallet!

After your payment with MetaMask, your token is automatically created and defined in your account.

Bitcolojix is ​​an open block for Web 3.0 applications and decentralized solutions to measure and improve IT application reliability. In addition to decentralized blockchain from the forefront of the individual's needs and solutions, it produces transportation vehicles from the forefront of all that can be of this world and provides the collective access of Bitcolojix, blockchain for the suns and their solutions in an inclusive way. It is aimed to develop a global cultivation of decentralized controlled development using smart contracts and cutting-edge technologies, allowing everyone to purchase or use the platform for any use.

Blockchain, or as it's called, blockchain cryptography can be magnified, and some people today is an ever-growing list of records called blocks. Blockchain (blockchain) is a system of information systems and a school notebook distributed over the system of the whole system, such that it is difficult or impossible to change the system, deceive with unauthorized accesses. A block system arrangement in the underlying system in the computer system is compelling in education, the entire chain in its distributed versions. This explains the impossibility of blockchain information record modification. The block on the chain is a series of transactions, and in his new project on the blockchain, a named fragment of the corresponding transaction is added to the ledger. A database that is not used by multiple systems is also known as Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). To speed up transactions, a set of rules belonging to the smart contract (smart contract) will be on the blockchain and automated (Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence; ''AI''). The smart contract can make evaluations of university students, belong to a payable system and get more detailed training.
Bitcolojix, as an ecosystem platform. The system used in the use of the ecosystem: • BTCIX Chain (BTCIX Chain) Blockchain Network and Secure in the Chain Center. This too. provides the most widely available. Scalable: The block value will be completed as required to be 90 million GAS. Open for Development: It can be integrated with developed or to be developed decentralized applications. Interoperability and Multi-Chain Support: Btcix Chain, built in accordance with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), interoperability (interoperability) with all linked chains, especially Ethereum. On a project developed in an EVM compatible network, the possibilities could be Btcix Chain, and in a multi-chain essence with the Bbx Chain ecosystem. Low cost actionable fees : Fast and small scale actionable fees : Fast and simple to use.

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